Cable manufacturer for special cables, special conducors and special developments in Stuttgart
Special solutions for special requirements
Strictly application-specific: we will resolve any cable-technical problem: with the minimal needed parts to solve the problem. Here, we use all the insulation and jacket materials, all kinds of shields, with rigid, flexible and highly flexible constructions and all types of media resistancy.
We supply cable by the meter and are also happy to assembly the cable according to your wishes.

One tube for application specific electronic cables to be inserted, tube double shielded. 2 supply lines 4x1.5. 3 x CAT.5 4x2xAWG26 and 3 signal lines 3x2xAWG26 each shielded. 1 x coax RG316. 2 communication wires 0.25. Total stranded and total shielded and sheath PUR oil resistant abrasion resistant - for permanent use. With correct definition almost everything goes - also for your application.